07 Nov

Problèmes de peau

Notre corps est un amas composé de trillions de cellules qui baignent dans deux fluides : le sang et la lymphe. Pour que chaque cellules fonctionnent adéquatement, ces fluides doivent être propres. Pour s’assurer de cette propreté le corps
07 Nov

Skin Problems

Our body is composed of trillions of cells which bathe in two fluids ; the blood and the lymph. For the proper functioning of each of these cells, these fluids must remain clean. To insure that these fluids are
06 Oct

How To Lose Excess Weight

Greetings to all, today we will be talking about excess body weight and what to do to remedy this situation.  First we must understand that the body is made of trillions of cells that bathe in
18 Aug

Profession: Naturopath

The human body was created perfect, and is an expression of universal intelligence. I’m writing to you from the beautiful Sarasota, Florida: its hot and humid climate, coconut trees, beaches, fresh yummy fruits. This is one
14 Jun

Comprendre la fibromyalgie

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